Pick ’em U App Official Rules and Terms & Conditions (Beta Season)

Pick ’em U App Official Rules and Terms & Conditions (Beta Season)

1. Introduction

This season of the Pick ’em U App (November 2024) will serve as a beta launch to test the platform. The advertised prizes will not be available for this testing period. Participation will focus on gathering feedback and optimizing the app for future seasons.

2. Eligibility

Participation is open to legal residents of the United States who are 13 years of age or older. Participants between the ages of 13 and 17 must have a parent or legal guardian’s consent to participate in the contest. Employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives of Pick ’em U and their immediate family members are not eligible to win prizes but may participate for entertainment purposes.

3. Parental Consent and Child Privacy

If you are between 13 and 17 years old, you must have permission from a parent or legal guardian to participate in the Pick ’em U contest. During registration, participants between 13 and 17 years old will provide a parent or legal guardian’s email address. An email will be sent to the parent or guardian requesting consent, which must be verified within 7 days for participation to proceed. A parent or legal guardian may revoke consent and request deletion of the participant’s information at any time.

4. Season Structure

The Pick ’em U App season for the beta launch consists of three main parts:

  • Preseason Kickoff: Runs throughout the entire season, allowing participants to revisit and review their early picks.
  • Regular Season: The season is divided into four quarters, with individual winners for each quarter:
    • First Quarter: Week 0 to Week 4
    • Second Quarter: Week 5 to Week 8
    • Third Quarter: Week 9 to Week 12
    • Fourth Quarter: Week 13 to Week 16
  • Postseason: Covers bowl games and playoffs.

5. Points and Scoring

Preseason Kickoff Points:

  • 2 points for each correct game pick.
  • 5 points for each correct conference championship team.
  • 10 points for each correct conference champion pick.
  • 10 points for each correct team that makes the 12-team playoff.
  • 20 points for predicting the National Champion.
  • 50 bonus points for correctly predicting all 10 conference champions.
  • No bowl picks.

Regular Season Points:

  • 1 point for each correct game pick.
  • 5 points for predicting the Army vs Navy winner.
  • 5 points for correctly picking each conference champion.

Postseason Points:

  • 1 point for each correct bowl game pick.
  • 5 points for each correct playoff game pick.
  • 10 points for correctly predicting the National Champion.

6. Prize Delivery

For this testing season, no prizes will be awarded. The purpose of this season is to test and optimize the app in preparation for the official 2025 season. Users are encouraged to participate to help improve the app experience.

7. Sponsored Leagues and Prizes

During this beta season, there will be no sponsored leagues or prizes. All participation is voluntary and for testing purposes only.

8. Prize Substitution & Transferability

No prizes will be awarded during this testing season. Therefore, no prize substitution or transferability applies to this period.

9. Limitation of Liability

Pick ’em U’s liability will not exceed $500 for any claim, and we are not responsible for any incidental, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of the app or participation in this testing season.

10. User Conduct and Fair Play

The following actions are prohibited:

  • Multiple accounts per participant.
  • Use of bots or automated systems.
  • Collusion or sharing picks.
  • Falsifying information during registration or participation.

Violations will result in disqualification and account suspension.

11. Pick ’em U App Not Affiliated with Apple or Google

The Pick ’em U App is not in any way affiliated with Apple Inc., Google LLC, or any of their subsidiaries. Apple and Google are not sponsors of or involved in any way with the contests or events offered in the Pick ’em U App.

12. Fraud Prevention

Pick ’em U is committed to preventing fraud and ensuring the integrity of the contest. Participants are prohibited from creating fake accounts, using false identities, or engaging in any fraudulent behavior.

13. Dispute Resolution and Governing Law

Participants are encouraged to contact [email protected] to resolve disputes informally. Disputes will be resolved by binding arbitration administered by JAMS, in accordance with its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules.

14. Force Majeure

Pick ’em U is not responsible for any delays, modifications, or cancellations caused by unforeseen events, including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, government regulations, or technical failures beyond our control.

15. App Updates and Modifications

Participants are required to install any updates to ensure uninterrupted access to the contest. Pick ’em U reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel the contest at any time.

16. Changes to Terms and Conditions

Pick ’em U reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions at any time. Participants will be notified via email or through the app of significant changes.

17. Proof of Age Upon Winning

Winners may be required to provide proof of age to claim their prizes. If a participant is unable to provide valid proof of age, the prize may be forfeited and awarded to an alternate winner.

18. Account Security

Participants are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account credentials. Pick ’em U is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the unauthorized use of a participant’s account.

19. Accessibility

Pick ’em U is committed to ensuring the app is accessible to users of all abilities. If you encounter any accessibility issues or need assistance, please contact [email protected].

20. User Feedback

By submitting feedback, suggestions, or ideas during this testing season, participants grant Pick ’em U the right to use, modify, and implement their submissions without any obligation or compensation.

21. Periodic Updates and Communication

Participants may receive periodic updates and communications from Pick ’em U via email, in-app notifications, or push notifications related to app features and contests.

22. Non-Gambling Disclaimer

This beta season is purely for testing purposes. No prizes will be awarded, and all participation is voluntary. The app remains a non-gambling sports challenge platform, and future seasons will include the skill-based prize structure.

23. Special Promotions

Pick ’em U may offer special promotions or limited-time contests during the beta season. These promotions may be subject to additional terms and conditions.

24. Location-Based Restrictions

Participation in the Pick ’em U beta season may be restricted in certain states, regions, or countries based on local laws and regulations. Participants are responsible for ensuring that their participation is legal in their jurisdiction.

25. Data Privacy and Security

We collect the following personal information: name, email address, game picks, and scores. Pick ’em U uses industry-standard encryption and security protocols to protect your personal information.

26. Right to Delete (Account Deletion)

Participants may request the deletion of their Pick ’em U account at any time by contacting [email protected]. Upon deletion, all personal information will be removed from our active databases within 14 days.

27. Ownership of User-Generated Content

Any content submitted by participants (e.g., comments, profiles) remains the property of the participant. However, by submitting content to the Pick ’em U app, the participant grants Pick ’em U a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, and display such content.

28. Intellectual Property

All content within the Pick ’em U app, including but not limited to the design, logo, scoring system, and software, is the exclusive property of Pick ’em U and its licensors.

29. Compliance with Local Laws

The Pick ’em U beta season is void where prohibited by law. Participants are responsible for ensuring their participation complies with any local, state, or federal regulations governing sweepstakes or contests.

30. Record Keeping and Audits

Pick ’em U will retain all beta season records, including picks, scoring, and feedback data, for a period of two years. Pick ’em U reserves the right to audit participation and scoring at any time to ensure compliance with these rules.

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